No U Turn Sign

A no u-turn sign is a regulatory sign. In driving it refers not to performing a 180-degree turn to go in the opposite direction. It communicates to the driver that he is not legally allowed to make a complete turn to go in the opposite direction.

No u-turn sign meaning

This sign means that a turn on the road to go in the opposite direction is not allowed legally. It is posted at busy intersections, business districts, freeways, narrow roads, and split highways, where u-turn is prohibited.

When can you not make a u-turn

  • Curve
  • Slope
  • Narrow bridge
  • Narrow road
  • Tunnel
  • Railroad crossing
  • On divided highway or freeway
  • Anytime when there is no u-turn traffic sign posted.
  • If the traffic is not visible due to weather conditions or fog within 200 feet.

What does a no u-turn sign look like

It is a square shape sign with white background and a black arrow that is crossed out in red.


No U-Turn Sign Rules

  • Whenever you see a no u-turn sign, respect the traffic laws and never make a u-turn.
  • Move straight, turn right or left which is allowed.
  • If you need to make a complete turn. Then you should always wait until you reach a point where a u-turn is permitted.

Frequently Asked Questions in Dmv Test

Can you make a u-turn where no sign is visible?

  • You can’t make a u-turn.
  • Have to wait for the u-turn sign to make a turn.
  • You can make a u-turn if there is no sign prohibiting it.

Can you make a u-turn in front of a fire station?

  • Yes, you can make a u-turn in front of a fire station any time.
  • If there is no vehicle within 200 feet then you can make a u-turn.
  • No person can make a u-turn in front of a fire station.

How much is the no u-turn ticket?

  • No ticket.
  • $50.00 approximately.
  • $234.00 approximately in the USA

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