A Flashing Yellow Light at an intersection means


A Flashing Yellow Light at an intersection means:


  • 1: You must come to a complete stop as quickly as possible.
  • 2: You must stop and proceed only when the intersection is clear.
  • 3: You must slow down and proceed with caution.
  • A flashing yellow light at an intersection means you should slow down, look and then proceed with care.


Flashing lights are used permanently at some intersections during times of low traffic volume. Whenever, approaching a flashing yellow light at an intersection, it means:

  • You should slow down your vehicle
  • No need to come to a complete stop
  • But you should proceed with care

Hence, a flashing yellow light at an intersection means that you are allowed to proceed but make sure to proceed with caution.


A Flashing Yellow Light at an Intersection Means What?

A flashing yellow light at an intersection means you should slow down, look and then proceed with care.

Why Yellow Traffic Light is set in Flashing Mode?

A flashing light at an intersection doesn’t necessarily mean that the traffic light is out of order. Traffic signals are set to flashing mode for various reasons. Traffic signals may be out of order, there may be construction work ahead or yellow light may be set in flashing mode because of low traffic volume.

A Flashing Yellow Traffic Light Means Caution

All drivers know that red light at an intersection means stop, green light means go and a yellow light means the light is about to turn red or green. For public awareness and road safety, it is very important to know what does a flashing yellow light at an intersection means.

A flashing yellow light at an intersection means you must slow down your vehicle and proceed with caution to avoid any collision. Even if you have the right of way with a flashing yellow light at an intersection, it’s better to let the other driver go first rather than take the risk of an accident.

If a traffic police officer is present there to direct the traffic. Then the direction of traffic police must be followed, regardless of your right-of-way at a flashing yellow light intersection.

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