What is a T Intersection? | 2 Right-of-Way Rules

When a smaller road is joining a larger road at a right angle and form a T shape, it is known as a T intersection or tree way junction. T junction is a very basic type of road intersection with three arms. Some T intersections are controlled by traffic lights, while others depend upon the drivers to obey the right-of-way rule.

What is a T Intersection?

A road junction, where a small road joins a large road but does not cross it and form a T shape, is called a T intersection.

In the United States, stop signs are very common at such intersections facing each direction. The drivers must slow down and watch out for pedestrians and other traffic approaching it, even if traveling on the through road and having right of way.


T Intersection Right of Way Rule

Always remember as you approach the T Intersection that the traffic on the through way has the right of way. The drivers approaching a three-way junction must yield the right of way to the traffic on the throughway and pedestrians crossing the intersection.

When two vehicles approach an uncontrolled T intersection at the same time, then the vehicle at the right has the right of way. The drivers must yield to a driver to their right.


What to do at a three-way Junction?

You need to slow down and give the right of way to the traffic on the main roadway. You should also give the right of way to the vehicles coming from your right side. Similarly, the drivers on the main roadway must watch out for pedestrians and the other traffic approaching the T-junction, even if having the right of way.

At a T intersection who has the right of way?

The vehicles on the through road have the right of way at a three-way junction. Therefore, the drivers must slow down and yield the right of way to the vehicles on the through road at a T junction.

When two vehicles approach an uncontrolled T intersection at the same time, then the vehicle at the right has the right of way. Therefore, the driver must yield to the vehicle at their right even though the 2 vehicles arrived at the same time.

Which of these is T Intersection?

  • A
intersection 1
  • B
  • C