4 Way Stop | who has right of way at a four-way stop?

4 way stop is also known as an all-way stop. It is a very frustrating experience for drivers when they arrive at a four-way stop and don’t know who has the right of way at a four-way stop to proceed first. This article is written to explain how a 4 way stop works, and who goes first at a four-way stop?

Who has the right of way at a 4 way stop?

The 4 way stop is a type of intersection where, due to poor visibility, all the vehicles have to stop before proceeding through it. However, the vehicle that arrives first at the 4 way stop has the right of way to go first. But every vehicle approaching a 4 way stop intersection is always required to come to a full stop behind the crosswalk or stop line.


4-way stop rules – How does a 4-way stop work?

Every driver should be aware of how a 4 way stop works for the safety of road users and the smooth flow of traffic. However, in the United States, the rules of 4-way stops are the same in all states.

  • 1. Whenever, you arrive at the intersection and there is no other vehicle present. Then you have the right of way at a four-way stop to go.
  • 2. If one or more vehicles are already present at the intersection when you reach there. Then the right of way at a 4-way stop will go to vehicles present before you to proceed first.
  • 3. Whenever two vehicles arrive at the same time at the intersection. Then the vehicle on the right has the right of way at a 4-way stop intersection to proceed first.
  • 4. If two vehicles arrive from opposite directions to each other at the same time at an all-way stop intersection. Then both vehicles can proceed only if both are going straight ahead. However, if one vehicle has to turn and the other has to move straight, then the vehicle going straight will have the right of way at a 4 way stop.
  • 5. But if two vehicles arrive from opposite directions to each other at the same time. One vehicle has to turn right and the other to left then the right of way of proceeding first at a four-way stop will go the vehicle turning right.

Frequently Asked Questions in DMV Tests about Four-Way Stop Right of Way

At a 4-way stop who has the right of way
  • a. The vehicle is turning right.
  • b. The vehicle is turning left.
  • c. The vehicle moving straight.
Who has the right of way at a four-way stop intersection?
  • a. The vehicle that arrives first.
  • b. The vehicle moving straight
  • c. The vehicle is turning right.
Who goes first at a four-way stop?
  • a. Motorbike
  • b. Car
  • c. The vehicle that arrives first.
When two cars arrive at an intersection at the same time, which car has the right of way?
  • a. The car on the left.
  • b. The car on the right
  • c. The car indicated first.