A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means | DMV Test Guide

A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means that you should slow down and prepare to stop as a merging driver to give the right-of-way to any pedestrian or vehicle at the crossroad.

A red and white triangular sign is a give way sign. This communicates to the merging drivers to slow down and prepare to stop if it is necessary to yield the right-of-way to the traffic. However, in DMV written test this question will have three answer choices.


A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means:

  • a. Slowly cross the intersection.
  • b. Always stop your vehicle at the intersection.
  • c. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

The answer to the DMV question “A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means:” is slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.  A red and white triangular sign is very important for road safety and it play a significant role in conveying important information to drivers. Here we are exploring red and white triangular signs, their meanings and why they are essential for safe and efficient driving.


Red and White Triangular Sign

A red and white triangular sign looks like a triangle pointing downward with red and white background and black letters in USA.


Warning Road Sign

Red and White Color

What does a red and white triangular sign at an intersection means:?

Typically, a red and white triangular sign at an intersection means that give the right of way to other vehicles or pedestrians. Therefore, always give way to vehicles and pedestrians on seeing the red and white triangular traffic sign at an intersection. By yielding, all drivers are able to proceed through the intersection safely and in an orderly fashion.

If you approach an intersection with a red and white triangular traffic signs. You must be prepared to stop if necessary depending upon the traffic conditions. Only proceed through the intersection after giving way to all incoming traffic. It’s essential to obey yield signs to prevent accidents and maintain traffic order at intersections.

Importance of Red and White Triangular Sign

A red and white triangular sign is very important for road safety for several reasons:

Hazard Awareness:

A red and white triangular sign provides advanced warning of potential hazards to the drivers and drivers have enough time to react accordingly.

Preventing Accidents:

A red and white triangular road sign serve a critical role in lowering the possibility of accidents.

Universal Recognition:

Regardless of their location or language limitations, drivers can easily recognize the sort of warning thanks to the standardized style of these signs.

What is the purpose of a red and white triangular sign at an intersection?

The purpose of a red and white triangular sign at an intersection is to convey the message of “Yield” to drivers. The main objectives of using red and white triangular yield signs are:

Regulating Traffic Flow and Road Safety

A red and white triangular signs help to regulate the flow of traffic, where the right of way is not controlled by traffic signals or stop signs at the intersection especially. They guarantee that traffic flows through the intersection smoothly and in a systematic manner.

A red and white triangular sign enhance safety at intersections by ensuring that drivers approaching the intersection are cautious and prepared to yield to others.

Reducing Congestion:

A red and white triangular road sign can help to reduce traffic congestion at intersections during low traffic hours.  A red and white triangular sign requires drivers to yield instead of coming to a complete stop.

Enhancing Pedestrian Safety:

A red and white triangular sign at pedestrian crossing intersection warns the drivers to yield the right of way to the pedestrian.


What to do on approaching a red and white triangular sign at an intersection?

On approaching a red and white triangular sign at an intersection you must follow these steps to ensure road safety:

  • On approaching an intersection, Slow Down your speed and prepared to stop
  • Check the Traffic and Pedestrians within and approaching the intersection
  • Come to a Full Stop first if there is significant traffic or pedestrians
  • Yield the Right of Way to the vehicles and pedestrians within the intersection
  • After entering intersection, Stay Alert to yield any unexpected vehicle or pedestrian
  • After proceeding through intersection, Merge Smoothly at a safe speed

Similar Questions Asked in DMV Tests

Downward-facing triangular signs communicate the drivers:

  • a. Potential Hazards
  • b. Sharp Curves
  • c. Slippery Roads
  • d. All of these

These downward-facing triangular signs warn the drivers about the potential hazards like sharp curves, steep descents or slippery roads.


This red and white sign means you should:

  • a. Come to a complete stop at the intersection
  • b. Maintain a slow speed at the intersection
  • c. Yield the right of way at the intersection

This red and white triangular sign means you should slow down and be prepared to stop to yield the right of way to other vehicles and pedestrians at the intersection.

A red and white triangular sign at an intersection pointing downward means:

  • a. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary to yield the right of way to vehicles and pedestrians.
  • b. Look at both sides while crossing the intersection.
  • c. Slow down if any pedestrian is crossing the intersection.

A red and white triangular sign pointing downward means slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.