Sharp Right Turn Sign, meaning, shape, color & location

Discover the Sharp Right Turn Sign, meaning, color, shape, and location to recognize it and drive accordingly for safe driving on the road.

Sharp Right Turn Sign Meaning

A Sharp Right Turn Sign is a warning road Sign which tells the drivers that the road will make a turn sharply to the right direction ahead. Sharp Right Turn Sign communicates two warnings to the drivers. Firstly, slow down their vehicle to a safe speed before entering the sharp right turn. Secondly, do not overtake another vehicle before and during the sharp right turn. You should also follow the advisory speed limit of the sharp right turn area.

What does a sharp right-turn sign look like?

A Sharp Right Turn Sign looks a diamond-shaped with black border and letters on a yellow background. The sharp right turn signs are installed on the roadside before the sharp turn. So that drivers can reduce the speed of their vehicles before approaching the sharp right turns.



The sharp right turn sign is located on the side of the road before the sharp turn.

Warning Road Sign


Yellow and Black Color


When you see a sharp right turn sign on the road while driving, you should:

  • Turn on your right indicator to signal your intent.
  • Reduce the speed of the vehicle before approaching the sharp right turn.
  • Do not overtake the vehicle before and during the sharp right turn.
  • Make sure to stick in your lane when going around the corner.
  • Always obey the advisory speed limit during the sharp right turn.
What type of road sign is a sharp right turn?
  • a. Regulatory road sign
  • b. Warning road sign
  • c. Guide road sign

A sharp right turn sign is a regulatory road sign.